Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Neat looking spider

This very neat creature was found by my two arachnologists in our very own back yard. We took it tonight with us to Red Lobster, where my oldest son preceded to name it and tell everyone it was highly poisonous. It was contained, just so you know. I told him we would get home and google the info on it...He was mis-informed. It is not a crab spider and it is not highly poisonous. This is a Spiny-Backed Orb Spider. Very common in Houston/and surrounding area gardens. Healthy gardens, that is us...Woohoo!

Enjoy this picture of God's most amazing creature.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mom is today school day????

"Good morning Momma!" "Good Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" "Yes Momma, do we have school today?" "Hmmmmmm????" "Momma, do we have school today?" "Yes, Tyler, we have school today...Why is it so light in here today?" As the mom slowly looks at her alarm clock, she notices with a smile on her face that it is 7:15,
!!!7:15!!! "What happened? Why didn't my alarm go off, oh no!!!" Cody get out of bed, hurry...

The mom goes back into her room and finds that the volume on her alarm clock is all the way down. Hmmmm, that explains the problem.

If Cody, Mr. Chicken lips, lives another day, it will be by the grace of our Dear Lord... Cody was messing with my alarm clock yesterday, with a smile on his face, he told me my alarm clock was 2 hours later. I didn't think anymore about it after I fixed the time. Little did I know, I wouldn't be able to hear it go off this morning.

Not me, Lord...

I love my boys, I love my boys, I love my boys..... I really do!!!!