Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Friend Has Gone
I had the privilege of knowing Joan Keith for about 11 years. She passed away this past Saturday morning, very unexpectedly. I wish that everyone could have known her. She was a special lady, friendly and loving and she had a great sense of humor. She touched my heart, as I am very sure she did to so many other people. I will miss her so much. I keep looking in my inbox at old emails she sent me. What a great person to have leave this earth. The world will not be the same place without her.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This is What Happens When Parents Aren't Watching

These are interesting pictures, for me at least. The boys were supposed to be outside playing nicely. It was not hot outside, this was last Fall (2008). I can't be sure, but I think my hose mysteriously turned on. Because, I know I didn't turn it on. One second my kids are playing on the swing set, and they are dry. I turn my back for a few seconds and this is what happens.
To my amazement, and mom's you know what I am talking about here, my boys were laughing and sounding like all was well in the universe. This was a sign that I needed to check on them. Sure enough, as I came out of my kitchen into the back yard, I hear water and splashing. We do not have a pool and there was no reason for the water to be on. I round the corner to where the noise was coming from and this is the sight that I see. My oldest son playing in 3" of water on the side of our house.
I hear this statement all the time, "Mom, we are bored". I guess this day that boredom won out and my grass needed to meet its maker. In just minutes this 8'x10' area became a huge mud puddle. Oh, what joy! I have to tell you that I was very close to jumping in myself, it just looked fun. After their time of frolicking in the mud, they got the coldest spray down possible. I asked them later as they were crying about how cold they were if the mud bath was worth it, "Oh yes mom!".
There are just some times in our lives as mom's that we just need to step back and let them have fun. I have great pictures to put in their scrap books and they have this play time to remember, and they still bring it up.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Venus Fly Trap

Saturday, grocery day, I was at Kroger's and just happened to look at the flowers behind me in the floral department. I was curious to see if some Fall flowers were available. As I was looking at the different flowers, I noticed a set up on the counter with Venus Fly Traps. The package is what caught my eye. A very cute cylindrical tube with comical flies and mosquitoes buzzing around.
The kid in me pulled me urgently and relentlessly to the counter. I grabbed what seemed to be the healthiest plant to me. I quickly looked for the care instructions, read them vaguely and headed for the check out. In my mind if I had to reinvent the wheel, I'd still buy it for the enjoyment of my kids. I had a brainstorm of some great ideas for the early demise of insects around our home.
When I walked in the door, it wasn't the groceries that I brought in. It was the Venus Fly Trap, the ice cream could wait. I yelled out for my kids to come into the kitchen to see what I had. "What is it mom?" I explained to the little buggers what the plant was and how they work. Well, they couldn't wait to drop a poor, unsuspecting insect into the open mouths of the Venus fly trap.
We went in the back yard, plant in hand, searching for the "one". Now, let me just state here that I was somewhat frustrated. This was a hot, August day, the middle of the summer. We've had rain several days in the last two weeks. The mosquitoes have been showing up in droves. But, we could not find one bug. Luckily, as I was walking into the house, I noticed a lone spider. A spider was of course, not my first choice. I didn't want it to get away inside our house. I happen to have a husband that completely disapproves of spiders as pets. This guy had to perish though. What better way to go, while being watched by humans.
I dropped the spider into the "Open" cylinder. It straightway made for the opening, which was at our faces. I quickly grabbed a toothpick. Let me just take a moment here to let you know that if you are trying to keep a very nimble spider somewhere it doesn't want to be, the choice of tool is not a toothpick. Today we have a pencil nearby. So began the drop, roll, poke and prod of the job to keep that spider inside the plants home. The spider is a wonderfully agile creature. It can spin a web out in seconds. So was the case with this spider. About 20 minutes later, we finally coaxed the little guy to his death, and not too soon for me.
The spider has to touch the inside fingers of the Venus fly trap twice. Either it touches one twice or two different fingers one time each. The fly trap closes within a second, it is a very quick process. My kids and myself broke out in high fives, whooping and hollering at the success of our fly traps catch. Each night since the purchase of our new "toy", we have been introducing new insects to the den of death. So far we have come up with two spiders, one ant and a small bug we call a pincher bug. Watching the fly trap catch its prey is truly a fun and patience building time to spend with your kids. I hope that our fly trap will last a very long time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
This evening our family plans on attending a Memorial for Officer Hamilton. He was a Pasadena Police officer for a little over 4 years. He leaves behind a wife and 2 small children. I invite you to come to Strawberry Park, in Pasadena, Tx, tonight for the Memorial get together. They will be having games, a movie and snacks. This is all free, but any donations will go directly to the family of Officer Hamilton.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Neat looking spider

This very neat creature was found by my two arachnologists in our very own back yard. We took it tonight with us to Red Lobster, where my oldest son preceded to name it and tell everyone it was highly poisonous. It was contained, just so you know. I told him we would get home and google the info on it...He was mis-informed. It is not a crab spider and it is not highly poisonous. This is a Spiny-Backed Orb Spider. Very common in Houston/and surrounding area gardens. Healthy gardens, that is us...Woohoo!
Enjoy this picture of God's most amazing creature.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mom is today school day????
"Good morning Momma!" "Good Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" "Yes Momma, do we have school today?" "Hmmmmmm????" "Momma, do we have school today?" "Yes, Tyler, we have school today...Why is it so light in here today?" As the mom slowly looks at her alarm clock, she notices with a smile on her face that it is 7:15,
!!!7:15!!! "What happened? Why didn't my alarm go off, oh no!!!" Cody get out of bed, hurry...
The mom goes back into her room and finds that the volume on her alarm clock is all the way down. Hmmmm, that explains the problem.
If Cody, Mr. Chicken lips, lives another day, it will be by the grace of our Dear Lord... Cody was messing with my alarm clock yesterday, with a smile on his face, he told me my alarm clock was 2 hours later. I didn't think anymore about it after I fixed the time. Little did I know, I wouldn't be able to hear it go off this morning.
Not me, Lord...
I love my boys, I love my boys, I love my boys..... I really do!!!!
!!!7:15!!! "What happened? Why didn't my alarm go off, oh no!!!" Cody get out of bed, hurry...
The mom goes back into her room and finds that the volume on her alarm clock is all the way down. Hmmmm, that explains the problem.
If Cody, Mr. Chicken lips, lives another day, it will be by the grace of our Dear Lord... Cody was messing with my alarm clock yesterday, with a smile on his face, he told me my alarm clock was 2 hours later. I didn't think anymore about it after I fixed the time. Little did I know, I wouldn't be able to hear it go off this morning.
Not me, Lord...
I love my boys, I love my boys, I love my boys..... I really do!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Teen Sex
This is a touchy subject, but one that needs to be spoken. I don't have teens yet, but I've been married for almost 17 years. So I think my experience with raising a husband to some degree counts in this arena...LOL
I heard on the news this morning that the Teen Sex percentages have gone down a considerable amount. This worries me, follow me on this. I don't think this survey is being conducted in the right way. I am afraid that many teens are having sex, more than we really believe...I think, by listening to young people and our illustrious media, that our teen population is indeed having sex but not heterosexual sex. If a survey was conducted I believe the amount of teens having sex in the 21st century are having homosexual sex. They are indeed having sex, and not calling it so. Let me hear your thoughts on this?
I heard on the news this morning that the Teen Sex percentages have gone down a considerable amount. This worries me, follow me on this. I don't think this survey is being conducted in the right way. I am afraid that many teens are having sex, more than we really believe...I think, by listening to young people and our illustrious media, that our teen population is indeed having sex but not heterosexual sex. If a survey was conducted I believe the amount of teens having sex in the 21st century are having homosexual sex. They are indeed having sex, and not calling it so. Let me hear your thoughts on this?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Great Choices For My Health
Yesterday was a great day, regarding my health. I drank 10 - 8 ounce glasses of water, drank my milks. Had great snacks. The biggy, hold on to your seat.... No chips, not one chip passed my lips at the mexican restaurant we had dinner at last night AND... Our family went for a mile long walk around the park lake with Laura. Great day, spent making great choices. Now, if all days could be like that.
Last night Hubby asked me if it was possible to shorten his undershirt sleeves that go under his uniform. "Sure!" I said. Easy peasy, until he brought me all of his shirts. Hello, am I being paid for this???
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Slow Is the New Fast

I am learning that there are some things in life that are better learned and maintained in a slow manner. I have a list that I believe is important to do slowly as to retain the importance of it:
1. Losing Weight
2. Reading
3. Deep cleaning
4. Communication (especially in a angered situation)
5. Eating
6. Planning
Notice two of the items I listed are about food, coincidence? I don't think so. I believe that some things really take time to learn and the process of change takes time. It has been said that changing a bad habit takes approximately 3 weeks to one month. December 31, 2005, I decided that I needed to change my life, my eating habits, my weight. Well, it didn't start December 31st, actually, I had been doing research on the internet, talking to my MD and speaking to others. I was going to have the Gastric Bypass. My doctor told me he would approve me and my insurance would cover it. I was considered morbidly obese. I have been called alot of things, but Morbidly Obese, cut me to the innermost part of my soul. My doctor told me that at the rate I was going, I may not make it to my 40th birthday. He lovingly (and I do mean that he lovingly spoke to me) told me that I was a great candidate for Diabetes, Heart problems: including heart attack, and Thyroid problems. He asked me to think about the effect all of my eating was having on my life, and my family's life. He also asked me to go home and think about my family's life without me.
I joined Weight Watchers December 31st, and I have never regretted doing so. I lost 72 pounds in 2 1/2 years. I did this, I didn't have a surgery, I didn't start drinking drinks from a can. I changed my eating habits...I began planning my meals, eating smaller portions...I was constantly mindful of what I was putting into my mouth.
Somewhere along the time that we took in our 2 Korean boys and the time the job really began to be very distressing I stopped being mindful of what I was eating. I stopped thinking first and began eating first...I am trying desperately to get back to a plan, Weight Watchers is the way to go. I hope to continue working daily to get back on track. That is my desperate need. I have aproximately 45 pounds left to lose. I am confident that I can lose this weight. I have already been a loser and I want to be a loser again.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Super give away for the Frugal
If you will head over to one of my favorite blogs..., she has a give away to win a free print book from the blog ...the book is "Dining on a Dime Cookbook". I hope I win, because somedays I feel like all we have is a dime. But, thank God we have it!!! LOL
Here is the link for the giveaway.
Here is the link for the giveaway.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Me...write a book...
Yes, me...I am going to write a book about my husband and I, our life together. Its ups and downs, our children, our call to ministry. I have enough information to fill 3 books. Now, to make it appealing enough for people to actually read it. When I think back on our journey to this 17th year of marriage, much of it is very funny, well at least to me it is funny. My sweet husband says to have fun and tell the truth...Ha, he just doesn't know what he has opened himself up for. I have no idea how long it will take, but it is weighing on my mind, and if there is some kind of encouragement that our life could provide I want it out there for others to read.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Those of you that have known me any length of time, know that I don't go shopping...Or at least very rarely, and only if I have a gift card. But, I must give kudos to JC Penney for having so many dresses and pretty ones that I ran out of time trying them on. I love the true empire waist dresses. I also love a nice tailored-look 2 piece. I wouldn't normally buy a suit, but I did this weekend. I was so happy with so many dresses, I have a wish list.
I have been to some other dress stores, well that is what we used to call them. But, the very few, if any dresses they had were tacky and too revealing. I wish I had a sewing machine. That's it, I am budgeting a sewing machine in our budget. Maybe I can save enough to get one by Christmas.
I have been to some other dress stores, well that is what we used to call them. But, the very few, if any dresses they had were tacky and too revealing. I wish I had a sewing machine. That's it, I am budgeting a sewing machine in our budget. Maybe I can save enough to get one by Christmas.
To homeschool, or not???
I've spent several hours looking into curriculum. I was invited to a SETHSA curriculum meet in April, so I will be going to that. I am very satisfied with the curriculum I will pick, but...Am I doing the right thing? I want what is best for my boys. Unfortunately, there is no book with the next step on it. I will continue to plan for homeschooling them and continue to pray for wisdom and discerning regarding this question. The other option would be public school, I am not thrilled about our schools here. I can't voice some of the reasons, for fear of hurting someone's feelings or just not being PC...So I won't.
I spent a hour or so outside preparing my yards for the summer. I hope the Weed in Turf hubby bought will do the trick. I have so much to do this weekend. I am looking forward to being outside. I love being outdoors. Another "Pro" for my list of "To HomeSchool".
I will post my lists "Pro's" and "Cons" in the next day or so. Till then keep our family in your prayers.
I spent a hour or so outside preparing my yards for the summer. I hope the Weed in Turf hubby bought will do the trick. I have so much to do this weekend. I am looking forward to being outside. I love being outdoors. Another "Pro" for my list of "To HomeSchool".
I will post my lists "Pro's" and "Cons" in the next day or so. Till then keep our family in your prayers.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How in the world do I get people to post their ads here...???
Okay, I would like to make a living on my blog just like the other very lucky folks out there. I watched Oprah yesterday. Wow, enlightening! She had real mom's on there...Kinda like I am. You know the one that loses her temper and yells at her kids and then later prays to God that they will not remember when they wake up in the morning. Oh, and the kind of mom that does not make them take a bath everyday, or even every other day. Let's us not forget, the one that let her oldest son pee in a mountain dew bottle and yup, you guessed it, the little wiggle came out and pee went all over me and the front of the dashboard...Who knows where else it went?
There are days that I wonder how I get them to school on time, much less with lunches and back packs. When we get home in the evenings, I want to collapse into a huge tub of bubbles and yea, I really could use a strong drink or two. Where is my lucky break? I need one, really I do. I would love to type a few words on my blog and make a couple of thousand off of my ads each month. It happens, everyday. Me, I want that...Waaaa waaaa.
Okay, so on Oprah yesterday she had this lady on Skype that has a blog name. I must say, hilarious...She states in her about me, that after she started adding in ads on her blog, after about a year her husband quit his job. Yes, I believe it too. So, this undertaking is one that I will be concentrating on very deliberately and intensively in the next few days...This is what I want. I also want to sleep a full 8 hours tonight.
There are days that I wonder how I get them to school on time, much less with lunches and back packs. When we get home in the evenings, I want to collapse into a huge tub of bubbles and yea, I really could use a strong drink or two. Where is my lucky break? I need one, really I do. I would love to type a few words on my blog and make a couple of thousand off of my ads each month. It happens, everyday. Me, I want that...Waaaa waaaa.
Okay, so on Oprah yesterday she had this lady on Skype that has a blog name
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Blessings are flowing
Well, the blessings just keep flowing today...Thank you God. Gordon had an interview yesterday, and his new supervisor called him this morning to tell him he got the job...They interviewed another person today, but they had already made their choice yesterday. Praise God!!! We are so thankful.
Then, if that wasn't enough. Gordon lead one of his friends from highschool to the Lord in salvation, just a few minutes ago. This friend of his is having brain surgery in a day or so. God opened His arms for him...I am so thankful. This man's eternity has been decided. God is so good.
AND...I got a blessing in a monetary way from two sources today. Enough to buy my dear sweet son a new bike for his birthday (his is worn out) and to pay for our family's meals Saturday night, as we take him and 2 of his friends to Incredible Pizza. Thank you God...
Then, if that wasn't enough. Gordon lead one of his friends from highschool to the Lord in salvation, just a few minutes ago. This friend of his is having brain surgery in a day or so. God opened His arms for him...I am so thankful. This man's eternity has been decided. God is so good.
AND...I got a blessing in a monetary way from two sources today. Enough to buy my dear sweet son a new bike for his birthday (his is worn out) and to pay for our family's meals Saturday night, as we take him and 2 of his friends to Incredible Pizza. Thank you God...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Longing for Home/my castle
I am so confused...I want to work, I like to work. I am not a lazy person and I do not like alot of downtime. My back can't take it. I want to be home for my boys. I am actively looking for a position do do at home. I have contacted several large corporations speaking with them concerning my employment with them using my home office. I pray that soon I will hear from one of these companies.
What is interesting is the fact that I work on my own in my office daily. No supervision, no one to answer to. This job that I perform on a daily basis can be performed in its entirity in my home. Why can't I just do this job there???
The kicker to this all, is that what I do can be completed in about 2 hours a day...No kidding. Aside from answering phones, which a young person just out of highschool could do for $7.00-$8.00 per hour.
Can't a little birdie just drop this info into my current employer's mind??? Please!!!
I will be home soon, my kids need me, and I believe that my loving Husband will get this job that he has an interview for tomorrow. This job will meet our needs as a family and I can't take care of our home. That is my job anyway. I told my Hubby this morning that with me being home I could ensure we all get to bed at a decent hour so he can get 8 hours of sleep instead of 5-6. He was very happy about that.
Just think of all the wonderful dishes I can make and all the house work I can get caught up on...And all the organizing I can do. Oh my, I get giddy. To be in my home taking care of it, it is all that I ask.
What is interesting is the fact that I work on my own in my office daily. No supervision, no one to answer to. This job that I perform on a daily basis can be performed in its entirity in my home. Why can't I just do this job there???
The kicker to this all, is that what I do can be completed in about 2 hours a day...No kidding. Aside from answering phones, which a young person just out of highschool could do for $7.00-$8.00 per hour.
Can't a little birdie just drop this info into my current employer's mind??? Please!!!
I will be home soon, my kids need me, and I believe that my loving Husband will get this job that he has an interview for tomorrow. This job will meet our needs as a family and I can't take care of our home. That is my job anyway. I told my Hubby this morning that with me being home I could ensure we all get to bed at a decent hour so he can get 8 hours of sleep instead of 5-6. He was very happy about that.
Just think of all the wonderful dishes I can make and all the house work I can get caught up on...And all the organizing I can do. Oh my, I get giddy. To be in my home taking care of it, it is all that I ask.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pumkin Seeds
Whilst in Hempstead, Tx area, we decided to go to DiIorio's before our trip back home. I bought 2 sugar pumpkins. The kids wanted them to color on and I wanted them for their seeds. Oh yes, wonderful nutrient packed pumpkin seeds. I cut the pumpkin with Tater Tots help, then we took the seeds and stringy pulp out and then sorted and cleaned the seeds. Tater Tot was so helpful. After draining the seeds I put canola oil on a cookie sheet and lay the seeds out. I sprinkled salt, garlic salt and chili powder on the seeds. We baked them for 20 mins at 350 degrees. Talk about yummy and oh, so good for you. By the way, they didn't make it through the night. GONE
Our Camping trip...
Well, it rained and it was soooooo cold. The boys were just itching to get out, so we let them play outside even tho' it was difficult for me because it was so cold. They appear to be happy and well. We took them to Yogi Bear/Jellystone Park in Waller, Tx. Great place. Just couldn't do anything fun, at all. They loved the cabin which had a loft. They slept in the loft, so did their dad. I ended up on the couch, not the couch bed, the couch. There was no room to pull the bed out. My mom and dad went too, they had the bed on the bottom floor. It was so crowded, but we ate good, and had fun watching movies and snacking. Dad grilled some awesome steaks. I haven't had a steak in about a year. It was soooooo good.
We came back a day early, didn't tell anyone, cause we were bummed. We got everything put up and I washed everything. The next day we got up and I made french toast, sausage, and oatmeal. We got dressed and surprised the boys with a day at Kemah, Tx on the boardwalk. We bought all-day/all-ride passes and we had a blast...The boys loved it. We rode all the rides, except the bullet. We ran out of time. We ate at the Cadillac Bar, Mexican food. High priced and not so great food. Oh well. We had fun eating on the balcony and seeing the boats go by.
I hope we can take the boys fishing this week, they are out for Spring Break. We would also like to take them to the movies and putt-putt or something like that.
Well, on the weight front I was up 2 lbs. No worries, I will get it back down, hopefully by my weigh in day Friday. We'll see. I won't worry too much, since it was a vacation weekend.
More later!!!
We came back a day early, didn't tell anyone, cause we were bummed. We got everything put up and I washed everything. The next day we got up and I made french toast, sausage, and oatmeal. We got dressed and surprised the boys with a day at Kemah, Tx on the boardwalk. We bought all-day/all-ride passes and we had a blast...The boys loved it. We rode all the rides, except the bullet. We ran out of time. We ate at the Cadillac Bar, Mexican food. High priced and not so great food. Oh well. We had fun eating on the balcony and seeing the boats go by.
I hope we can take the boys fishing this week, they are out for Spring Break. We would also like to take them to the movies and putt-putt or something like that.
Well, on the weight front I was up 2 lbs. No worries, I will get it back down, hopefully by my weigh in day Friday. We'll see. I won't worry too much, since it was a vacation weekend.
More later!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Where have I been???
I just celebrated my 36th birthday last Thursday!!! I have been taking care of my sick, sick, sick child. A-N-D my oldest is walking like he needs a cane, he actually asked for a cane!!! He is having growing pains, I just know it. I made an appointment for him to see the doc Wed.
My friend, Laura, and I are going to do this losing weight business together...We will help each other and give encouragement and a big kick in the butt, whenever and whoever needs it...
Okay, this is a new week. Waiting not so patiently to hear about a job, I need a good job, one with bene's...I hope and pray to hear from them this week. I hate to leave the Donalson's, but they will manage, they can't pay me and give me benefits, so I must go elsewhere.
I will post a new Chinese Salad later, that is to die for!!!
My friend, Laura, and I are going to do this losing weight business together...We will help each other and give encouragement and a big kick in the butt, whenever and whoever needs it...
Okay, this is a new week. Waiting not so patiently to hear about a job, I need a good job, one with bene's...I hope and pray to hear from them this week. I hate to leave the Donalson's, but they will manage, they can't pay me and give me benefits, so I must go elsewhere.
I will post a new Chinese Salad later, that is to die for!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Getting over bronchitis
I have been very sick with bronchitis. I feel so much better and hope to be back to my old self soon. I am making those chicken and dumplings I posted the recipe for the other day. I just love how the dumplings taste.
I must admit, I began taking Acai Berry. My boss gave me a bottle of it, I have taken it both times today and have really felt quite full. I will keep an update on my status with it. I hope it helps me by curbing my appetite. I eat well, salads, green veggies, no problem. I just tend to eat too much. Portion control is my biggest weakness.
I will post back tomorrow. I have been cleaning the house this afternoon, I have a purse party this Saturday. So I want the house in good condition...
I must admit, I began taking Acai Berry. My boss gave me a bottle of it, I have taken it both times today and have really felt quite full. I will keep an update on my status with it. I hope it helps me by curbing my appetite. I eat well, salads, green veggies, no problem. I just tend to eat too much. Portion control is my biggest weakness.
I will post back tomorrow. I have been cleaning the house this afternoon, I have a purse party this Saturday. So I want the house in good condition...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President Obama's Innaugeration
This is a day for the history books. I am so happy to see this day, yet sad at the stances and views our new president takes or doesn't. I am and will be respectful of him and his office. I told my son's this morning, that this man is the most powerful "MAN" in the world. Only God is the higher than him, and thank God he is. President Obama will have to answer to God. That assures me of God being on His throne and the power He has.
I will be watching his swearing in, as I have for President's Reagan, George Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush. This is history in the making and I am truly glad to be a part of it. I am so thankful that our country can see past the color of this man and let him have his chance at this most prestigious position. God please, Bless him and his family.
I will be watching his swearing in, as I have for President's Reagan, George Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush. This is history in the making and I am truly glad to be a part of it. I am so thankful that our country can see past the color of this man and let him have his chance at this most prestigious position. God please, Bless him and his family.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I am amazed!!!
I was just sent a video from a friend about a young man without limbs. Nick Vujicic, was born without arms or legs. He has a very short little nub, he calls his chicken leg. He loves God, even though this is the hand he has been dealt. I am just in awe. My 7 year old was here watching with me. Go to the site at or go to you-tube and look up Nick Vujicic. He leads a very normal life, what we term normal. He even swims and surfs. Wow!
Chicken and dumplings
What a lazy day I had today with my boys. It is days like this I enjoy most. Laying around and not getting in a hurry to do a thing. My poor boys came to me a couple of times asking when we were going to have breakfast or lunch.
We have a visitor over tonight...He is my oldest son's friend from his old school. This child is so finicky. I have to laugh, because there are not very many things my boys won't eat. I am so thankful for that. I learned a lesson a long time ago, that my dear mother taught me. She told me to never make something else for your child because he doesn't like what you fixed or he wants something else. It was hard, because you know as well as I do, that we like to make our little chicks happy. But, I did as she instructed and today I have two boys that will eat most anything I place in front of them.
One of the things my boys love so much is my chicken and dumplings...This is a simple recipe and I hope you will try it and enjoy it.
6 cans of low sodium, fat free chicken broth
2 pkgs of chicken tenders
8 cheap cans of biscuits (I buy the store brand)
1 can of fat free mushroom soup
1 can of milk (Clean out your can of soup)
salt to taste
2 tsp of pepper
1 tsp garlic salt
In a large soup/stock pan pour the cans of broth in, add 2 cans of water. Add in your chicken and boil for approximately 14 mins. till cooked through. Add can of mushroom soup, then fill can with milk (I like 2%) and pour into pan. I like to add my garlic salt and salt now. Lower heat to low and begin to pinch off biscuits into 4 pcs. (note: I usually open all cans and drop onto the soup pan lid) You will have to stir your biscuits with a wooden spoon occasionally to get them under the broth mixture. As you get to the last 2 cans turn the heat up to high and begin to boil. Add your pepper now. Let boil for about 8 mins. Serves about 10 bowls, lots of dumplings. They re-heat well. I like to serve my dumplings with corn bread and sliced cheese.
Well, I have an Avon order to place and then I am off to bed. See you tomorrow.
We have a visitor over tonight...He is my oldest son's friend from his old school. This child is so finicky. I have to laugh, because there are not very many things my boys won't eat. I am so thankful for that. I learned a lesson a long time ago, that my dear mother taught me. She told me to never make something else for your child because he doesn't like what you fixed or he wants something else. It was hard, because you know as well as I do, that we like to make our little chicks happy. But, I did as she instructed and today I have two boys that will eat most anything I place in front of them.
One of the things my boys love so much is my chicken and dumplings...This is a simple recipe and I hope you will try it and enjoy it.
6 cans of low sodium, fat free chicken broth
2 pkgs of chicken tenders
8 cheap cans of biscuits (I buy the store brand)
1 can of fat free mushroom soup
1 can of milk (Clean out your can of soup)
salt to taste
2 tsp of pepper
1 tsp garlic salt
In a large soup/stock pan pour the cans of broth in, add 2 cans of water. Add in your chicken and boil for approximately 14 mins. till cooked through. Add can of mushroom soup, then fill can with milk (I like 2%) and pour into pan. I like to add my garlic salt and salt now. Lower heat to low and begin to pinch off biscuits into 4 pcs. (note: I usually open all cans and drop onto the soup pan lid) You will have to stir your biscuits with a wooden spoon occasionally to get them under the broth mixture. As you get to the last 2 cans turn the heat up to high and begin to boil. Add your pepper now. Let boil for about 8 mins. Serves about 10 bowls, lots of dumplings. They re-heat well. I like to serve my dumplings with corn bread and sliced cheese.
Well, I have an Avon order to place and then I am off to bed. See you tomorrow.
Friday, January 16, 2009
This is me, and I am new!
I am new to blogging...I am fascinated by this platform we have of communication. What a grand opportunity we have to communicate with friends, loved ones, and new people.
What I plan to do here at my home is to talk about religion, politics, everyday life and planning organization and recipes.
A little smidge about me... I am a mom to 2 wonderful boys. Cody is 7 going on 13. Tyler is my baby, not so much anymore, he is 4 years old.
My husband, Gordon, and I have been married 16 years. We surrendered to full time ministry last year. We feel God calling us into Missions. We would love to travel the world, and we are so very ready. We have several years of schooling to complete. Gordon just started his online courses again this week.
I am an avid reader...I like anything from mysteries to love stories. I have a passion for the Nazi Reich and Jewish people that were massacred. So I read alot of history wrapped around that subject.
I love to cook and bake. I dabble in some of my own creations from time to time, but these are generally kid friendly foods. I am currently preparing my kitchen for a remodel. We have changed out light fixtures and I have a wonderful 1 bowl kitchen sink. I have done most of the work in the kitchen myself and will be painting and updating the rest in the next few weeks.
I hope you will come back to visit with me. I have many plans for the near future, and hope you will be a part of it.
What I plan to do here at my home is to talk about religion, politics, everyday life and planning organization and recipes.
A little smidge about me... I am a mom to 2 wonderful boys. Cody is 7 going on 13. Tyler is my baby, not so much anymore, he is 4 years old.
My husband, Gordon, and I have been married 16 years. We surrendered to full time ministry last year. We feel God calling us into Missions. We would love to travel the world, and we are so very ready. We have several years of schooling to complete. Gordon just started his online courses again this week.
I am an avid reader...I like anything from mysteries to love stories. I have a passion for the Nazi Reich and Jewish people that were massacred. So I read alot of history wrapped around that subject.
I love to cook and bake. I dabble in some of my own creations from time to time, but these are generally kid friendly foods. I am currently preparing my kitchen for a remodel. We have changed out light fixtures and I have a wonderful 1 bowl kitchen sink. I have done most of the work in the kitchen myself and will be painting and updating the rest in the next few weeks.
I hope you will come back to visit with me. I have many plans for the near future, and hope you will be a part of it.
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